
Stormy Weather

This is taken just seconds before it started to pour down. I always think of Moneybrother in stormy weather.


Then I met Pikachu and all of his friends

I went to the Japanese Sakura Festival in Copenhagen on Sunday. A lot of people had dressed up like manga figures. I wasn't aware that people actually did that, but apparently it's a well-known phenomenon. I'm just happy I met Pikachu...


It takes a fool to remain sane

Last night The Ark played their last show (ever) in Copenhagen. It brought back a lot of memories; sitting in my room listening intensly and writing down lyrics, singing along and feeling that Ola Salo in some ways understood me. And maybe most important having fun; dancing around with good friends and knowing that everything is okay.

As I wrote a month ago I miss those times. Even though I know it isn't the case, it seems like I didn't have anything to worry about then. That the world was just a little bit easier...

And yes; it DOES take a fool to remain sane -I try to remember that when people think I'm crazy; I'll let my body decide...



I hate days like today. Why is it that I've to fuck up everything on my way? Don't know why I had to be so incredible mean -sometimes it's just easier... I hope everything's going to be okay, but I'm not so sure anymore... I wish I could read your thoughts...


Park Life

Here are some of the people (and a few animals) we saw in Hyde Park. The weather was fantastic -sunny and 20*C! The guy in the wheelchair (or whatever it is) was brilliant - if I could I would still be sitting by the Serpentine taking pictures of passer-byes...


Det övereksponerade gömställe #1

Tomorrow I'm going to see bob hund live and I can't wait! Their new album 'Det Övereksponerade Gömställe' is nothing more than brilliant. The lyrics are amazing and I get so many ideas when listening - what is an overexposed hiding place? I guess that'll be something to figure out. Here's one suggestion: 


Always having fun in front (and behind) of the cam

I listened to First Floor Power and went for a walk. Soon I'll be doing the same  with bob hund in my ears - Grönt ljus åt alla!


Shadows on the wall

On a day like this there's not much to do. It's been pouring down all day, so instead of doing anything useful I've looked through old pictures and found these. I sometimes miss living with my sister and doing shadow figures late at night for no reason at all. Or playing Scissors, paper, stone and getting heavily bruised. Ah, happy times.



I miss summer - cold beer and swimming in the sea. I need a heat wave. 



We went to London a couple of weeks ago. We walked and walked and walked. The weather was a bit boring –everything was just grey. I loved Brick Lane and the vinegar crisps. And the funny guys above. 


Things people leave behind #1

A mask
People leave the funniest things in the street. Just a few days into the new year I looked out the window and saw this mask lying in the middle of the road. Children walked by and were curious but at the same time a bit scared of this mysterious thing. Some were so brave that they actually tried to move it but with no luck; the mask had frozen to the ground. A couple of days later it was in a thousand pieces, run over by the cars passing by.

A mask a little later